i was half awake in the morning because i did not get a good night sleep..So i woke up at 7 smt am and went and wash up..I waited for my friend to go to class together.Manage to grab a bun for breakfast and had my vitamins. So went to class and bla bla bla there for like 1 hour then class dismiss. Then hang out with my bunch of friends chit chatting with nobody business about everything including going to kl next week. So had a sit over at CCC (counseling department) and waited till 11am to go to mid valley but then i went at around 12 pm.
we took a taxi to mid valley which cost us RM 40 but it was the quickiest way to get there so that we could come back early. As we reach mid valley 1st stop is the BURGER KING. I had my wonderful meal after ages i have not eaten at BURGER KING. We munch munch through our burger and french fries till around 1smt. Then we start hanging around just walking walking till we find something interesting then only we stop to see...
We were like a lost kid just hanging around from mid valley to gardens then back to mid valley and back to gardens. We even tried dresses which is for fun..hehe...
But when it came to dinner time that is around 5 nearly to six i met Sameer and Ali at pizza hut. So Sameer temp us by asking us to joint him for a movie which is at 6.30pm and i was looking at my watch it shows 6.15pm..so i make a quick walk to the cinema which i do not know where it is and got 3 extra tickets with a different sitting..so make a quick bite at pizza hut and then run back to the cinema. we were like 15 minutes late for the show so who cares of watching advertisement.hehe...So i watch X-men Wolverine the 2nd time.haha...it seems like the movie is damn nice..haha..
After the show we went shopping for baby clothings..Sameer wanted to get something for his baby niece whom is a month old. So i help him choose and i temp him by paying it RM 135 which his budget is only RM 100..haha...well come on..is his only niece..hehe..Later we had so much fun teasing each other on the way back..i was teasing Ali so much of his beard because with that bunch of hair on his chin he looks like OSAMA BIN LADEN!!!!haha....so i scared him with colouring his beard pink colour..haha
Well overall the outing was good but i was kinda dissapointed with someone..before the outing i even make plans with him to meet up with him in mid valley. Is quite some time we meet each other so i just wana meet him after all he just finish his exam and he is FREE...so the plan was suppose to be meeting up with each other at early time but then he gave excuses that he is busy at that time..so i respected his busyness..so after a quite long hour and is going to be evening and i still don meet him at all..so i kept messaging him and still the excuses...how to not bengang..so i control my anger while i do not wana spoilt my outing.At the end we kinda argued saying that since i (lynette lim) dying to wana see him why didn't say wana meet him now????I was speechless..Finally we met up in front of cinema and is was very quick catch up. Then he told me that he was alone with no friends with him. So i was really blank and speechless and my anger was raising so i just kept quiet and talk to him. at the end he ask me to "TAKE CARE". I was hmm..bye..
It was not a good catch up after all but then i was a little glad to get to see him. I cared for him so much and i even had feelings for him before but i control not to have feelings for him because he is my one of my family member and i really wana tell him that..but looking through the years i felt that is not worth it. so i kept it to myself. in the end i only cared for him not only as a friend but i treat him as one of my closest family member. The bond between us is really really complicated. I am putting the effort to keep the relationship close but then he just threw it back to my face.
p/s: to him....this is the explanation i owe u and i wana tell u but i think is not worth telling you at your face. i am really dissapointed of what u are doing this to me as i know peopl out there will think i am stupid to still keep that relationship. the friendship and the family bondness. but i still have the hope that someday you appreciate the bondness.
To Sameer i am gonna miss u so much and u will remember me with those baby clothings...hope to have another outing with u and ali again...hope to see u around in malaysia.have a safe journey back.